Be Transfigured

My wife and I went on our first date in January of 1996. Culture sure has changed a lot since my mom drove us to see Grumpier Old Men at the Grove Theater in Oak Ridge. Nervous and armed with only a learners permit, mom was the necessary but appreciated third wheel. Culture sure has changed since then, indeed. Perhaps in some ways our culture has changed for the better, and arguably in countless ways it's changed for the worse. One thing I am personally glad to see an end to...Glamour Shots. Amber, like a lot of girls at the time, rushed to the franchise store to be transformed and to have her photo taken. When Amber showed me the photos from a Glamour Shots shoot taken on her birthday a few years prior to our first date, I remember thinking how over the top the wardrobes were, but how grown up and beautiful she looked. Sporting big hair, makeup, and a denim studded jacket she tugged on at the collar, she looked like an 80's movie star. Glamour Shots opened its first sto...