At Church

Churches are filled with hypocrites. Let me say it once again, in case you missed it...churches are filled with HYPOCRITES.

"I can't believe she did that, girl. Shame on her! I'd never do such a thing. No ma'am, not me."

Sunday morning pews are crowded with LIARS

"Hey buddy, I've been praying for you." "I'm so happy you got that big promotion and things are going so well for y'all."

Sunday school classes are attended by BROKEN SINFUL PEOPLE

Greed. Lust. Envy. Pridefulness. You know...just to name just a few.

That's the reality of things, if we can all be adults and speak frankly and candidly. That's also the loudest and most consistent criticism I've heard from non-church goers, about why they don't go to church. You know what, they are right. You know something else, that's a pretty pitiful excuse for not attending. You don't go to church for the company, you go to church for Christ. There are broken people at work, but you put on your business dress and you go, don't you? There are liars at your favorite restaurant, but away you go for dinner and drinks twice a week.

Churches are filled with broken people, yes, but broken people who want to be better and they know who can help them. Are hospitals not filled with sick people? Yet, I think we would all agree that hospitals and medical offices are the most appropriate venues to seek medical attention and relief from physical ailments and afflictions. So what is wrong with agreeing that when someone is hurting emotionally or spiritually,  that they should be in church? Church sermons and songs are medicine for the soul. Being in the house of the Lord is like an operating room to remove worry, anxiety, and fear. Where two or more are gathered, Christ, the attending physician is present.

Have no doubt, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So you'll be in good company at church. Putting your butt in a pew alone, doesn't make you a good person or fix your spiritual shortcomings, any more than sitting on the awkward rolled out paper on the exam room table cures your illness. But if you listen to God to learn about your infirmity, if you put your trust and faith in His ability, and you follow His instructions carefully, you can be healed. Granted, you'll never be perfect, so don't even try. You can however, be better. You can feel better. Your hardened heart can be softened, your ears can be made to hear, your eyes can be made to see. Stop standing outside the doors of the E.R. refusing to enter, knowing you need help yourself, while complaining about others in the waiting room. Now who's the liar? Now who's the hypocrite?

Churches aren't perfect. The people who attend certainly aren't, but it's where we go to get better, to be better. After all, Christ said to "FOLLOW ME," not FOLLOW PEOPLE. If you want to follow Christ, if you want to truly know Him, you can find Him and find church.

Much Love, Adam


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