Storm Preparation

Image result for flashlight image

Growing up in East Tennessee, I've luckily not had to suffer through many major storms, not in the traditional sense anyway. Other than the less than occasional severe thunderstorm with minor hail, our region is somewhat insulated by the surrounding mountains. Recently however, a summer storm knocked out the electricity at my house. I quickly rushed to the pantry and started pulling out flashlights that I had bought previously at Home Depot and Lowes. Very rarely do I get the chance at home to feel useful and handy, so when the opportunity presents itself, no matter how insignificant, I have to act swiftly.

Amber always gives me a hard time about my collection of flashlights, but there is peace of mind in knowing that I'm prepared should a major storm come. I am of course fully aware that the scenario I mentioned above, is nothing compared to the devastation many across the globe have to endure on a somewhat frequent basis. There's nothing normal or "natural" about natural disasters: hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, mud slides, floods, etc...

We can't prevent these types of tragedies, and the name we assign them proves just how out of our hands they truly are: "Acts of God." We can't stop them, but we can prepare for them. I'm sure you've seen beach scenes with boarded up windows of buildings or pictures of sandbags stacked deep around homes to prevent flood waters from invading too drastically. 

I've mentioned it in previous blogs but it bears repeating, Jesus told us that in this life we will have troubles. In life, storms are inevitable. You can't stop them, you can't deny they occur, and will continue to occur. You can however prepare.

When the sun is shinning and life is good, how often do you give thanks to God? When things are going your way and your circumstances are positive, how much time do you spend in quiet time with our Father? Admittedly, I'm guilty of shouting at God during the storms, but I am silent during the sunshine. You probably recall the gospel lesson about Jesus sleeping in the boat while his disciples are fearing for their lives during a major storm. Jesus is awoken and he calmly tells the storms to stop, and guess what happens? The storm stops.

Jesus is the one who calms the storms. In Matthew 7:24-27, we are told to build our house on rock. If we stay close to Jesus and allow the one who calms the storm to prepare us for life's storms, we can undoubtedly weather (pun intended) anything we are called to endure. If however, we build our house on sand, and praise God in good times alone and don't follow his teachings, we will inevitably be swept away by the winds and the rain.

So, if you are being pelted by life's storm currently, I'm here to tell you what I've experienced in my will get better. At the risk of sounding like Little Orphan Annie, “the sun will come out tomorrow.” Be prayerful and stay close to God. If life is good, I'm here to tell you what I've experienced in my life....storms are coming, so be in the word, be in prayer, and do some storm preparation.

Much Love, Adam


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