Family Reunion

"The bible is one story of God putting His family back together again." That was a quote shared with me by a close friend recently. The Bible can be overwhelming at times. At least it is for me. It's voluminous and some parts are difficult to wrap your mind around. The Bible is comprised of many books, written by many authors, from many places, across many generations. All of that being said, the quote above really sums up the major take away from the Bible. The corporate world would call that a "30,000 foot view." Stated differently and in keeping with an overarching simplistic theme of the Bible, I've often heard the following: 1.) God loves us. 2.) Our Sin separates us, 3.) Jesus saves us.

God wants His family to be together. That is the hallmark of any loving Father, isn't it? Fathers (and mothers) are most content when their family is "all together under one roof." There's something peaceful about knowing your children are happy and living together in harmony. Ask the parent of multiple children, and they will tell you that very few things bring greater joy than seeing their children look out for each other and show genuine love toward one another. Those moments do happen at our house, they aren't as rare as a Bigfoot sighting, but close. They are often buried between episodes of our kids hitting each other, yelling at each other through gritted teeth, and the casual exchange of unpleasantries, as they pass each other in the kitchen or the upstairs hallway.

More than anything I could ever personally accomplish in my career or in my life, leaving this Earth knowing that my children are happy and that they are going to love and care for each other would give my soul peace.

God loves us and we are all equal in His sight. It matters not where you grew up, what your political leanings are, or the color of your skin, we all belong to Him. We are all a part of God's family. My pastor preached a sermon last Sunday on the dangers of Christians criticizing other Christians. We've found unique ways to distinguish and divide ourselves into separate denominations, sects, and synods. At the end of the day however, we are one family.

When I think back on Christmases of the past, I recall the hectic and crowded celebration at my mom's parents house. What felt like hundreds of people crowded and cramped in a hot house, was a collection of individual people coming together as one family. We led very different lives throughout the year, but on Christmas Day, we were one.

When I think back on road trips to Virginia with my dad's parents, I recall the beautiful farm land and meeting lots of people who looked like me and shared my last name. Moore's from many different parts of the country came "home" and were reunited again as one family.

I look forward to reuniting with family that has passed before me. My heart is anxious for the greatest of family reunions. But we don't have to wait until our time on earth is done to come together again as family. What would it mean if we truly lived with the knowledge and belief that we belong to God and we are all family? How would you view yourself differently? How would you interact with others differently?

I love the following, "You are all sons of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, for all of you who were baptized into Christ, you have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 4:26-28
*Footnote (NIV Study Bible)-Faith in Christ transcends differences and makes all believers one in Christ. Make sure you do not impose distinctions that Christ has removed. All believers are His heirs, no one is more privileged than or superior to anyone else.

We are all family, let's start acting like it. Its time for a family reunion. 

Much Love, Adam


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