Reach Up

The birds sing louder and the world is more still first thing in the morning. Sitting on the front porch alone, I sipped my morning coffee, and rocked in one of the chairs we inherited from Amber's grandparents. My mind was completely clear and uncluttered from emails and phone calls that had yet to begin. Hearing the rain begin to fall, my attention shifted to a plant in our front flower bed. Looking down, I watched as the stems of the plant stretched high into the air to catch the rain. Like arms reached upward, the petals caught the drops of rain and carried the needed water to it's core. It's almost as if the flower was uniquely designed and made to catch the life sustaining water it needed.

It's not easy being a plant in a busy neighborhood. Kids occasionally stomp on you, bike tires roll over you, and the dogs are always...well, it's not easy being a plant in a busy neighborhood. However, Amber always assures the soil is fertile and the occasional Miracle Grow gives CPR of sorts. Regardless of the TLC the plant receives from her, absent the rain, the plant can't thrive.

As I watched the rain continue to fall, the to-do list of the day crept into my mind. It clouded my thoughts and tightened my chest. I could feel my anxiousness increase as I pondered the unusualness of this season. "If I hear "Covid 19" one more time, I'm going to go nuts" I thought to myself. And then, my attention shifted back to the plant, and a peace entered where worry was trying to stake it's claim. God had grabbed me in an instant.

Friends, we are all in a difficult season to say the least. It isn't easy living through a global pandemic. Life feels a bit like we've been trampled, rolled over, like we are the plant and the dogs are always...well, we are all in a difficult season to say the least. Our family and friends try to help. They remind us to see the growth and stop the groaning. They give us CPR of sorts. Regardless of the TLC we receive from them, absent our relationship with God, we can't thrive.

I don't know about you, but my arms are always full and busy, but rarely reaching upward. Laboring in vein I want to figure it all out. I want to fix it. I want this stupid virus to go away. I can't make it better.

However, the reminder for me yesterday morning was that God knows me. God loves me. He certainly knows and loves you as well....more than you can possibly imagine. We need Him. It's almost as if we were uniquely designed and made to catch the life sustaining peace and blessings from above. Like the plant however we have to submit and trust. In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus tells us not to worry. He tells us to find examples from the flowers in the field. "They do not labor or spin." They grow happy, their lives a credit to their creator.

In this season, don't struggle alone, reach out, but don't forget to reach up. God loves you so very much and so do I.

Much Love,


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