Always look back. Always have regrets.
As I neared the top of the concrete hill, rain fell hard all around me. My legs felt like jello and my running shoes were wet and heavy. Each step heavier and harder than the last. Lumbering 250 pounds of myself up a steep incline is no easy feat, let me tell you. It was around 5:45am, and it was a dark and chilly fall morning. As rain drenched my head and shirt, cold wind acted as rain's co-conspirator, and tried to freeze me to death right then and there. In a just a few short hours, cars would be using this roadway to enter and leave the community park, but for the moment, the roadway, more accurately the hill, was my workout nemesis. Breathing heavy and now standing at the crest of the hill, I turned around to see the ground I had just covered. Through exhaustion and pain, I took pride in completing this round of the workouts. They say, "Never look back," but I have to disagree. Looking down that steep hill I could fully grasp the accomplishment of that moment. ...